Albert Einstein Biography in English | Albert Einstein introduction

Albert Einstein Biography in English | Albert Einstein introduction

Name  : Albert Hermann Einstein
was born  : 14 March 1879 Ulma (Germany)
Father  : Hermann Einstein
Mother  : Pauline Koch
Wife  : The first was Maric and the second was Elise Lowen Thal.

Einstein made many contributions including the special and general theory of relativity. His other contributions include the theory of the relativistic universe, capillary motion, critical opalescence, problems of statistical mechanics, Brownian motion of molecules, probability of molecular fluctuations, quantum theory of a single-molecule gas, thermal properties of light at low radiation density, theory of radiation, unified field theory and geometrization of physics.

Early Life

Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in a Jewish family of Württemberg in Germany. His father Hermann Einstein was an engineer and salesman while his mother was Pauline Einstein. In 1880, his family moved to the city of Munich where his father and uncle opened a company called Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Co. The company manufactured electrical equipment and provided the first lighting for the Oktoberfest fair in Munich.

 The Albert Einstein family did not follow Jewish religious traditions and so Einstein went to a Catholic school. However, at the age of 8 he moved to the Luitpold Gymnasium (today known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium), where he received his middle and higher secondary education, a place he stayed for the next seven years, until he left Germany.

In 1895, at the age of 16, Einstein took the entrance exams for the Swiss Federal Polytechnic Zurich, later known as the Edigenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH). He failed to get sufficient marks in all subjects except physics and mathematics. And finally, on the advice of the headmaster of the Polytechnic, he went to Argovian Cantonal School, Aarau, Switzerland. He completed his higher secondary education from there in 1895-96.


Albert Einstein made many inventions for which his name started being counted among the famous scientists. Some of his inventions are as follows –

Quantum Theory of Light – In Einstein’s quantum theory of light, he created a small packet of energy called photon, which has wave-like characteristics. In this theory, he explained the emission of electrons from some metals. He created the photoelectric effect. After this theory, he invented television, which shows the scene through technology. Many such devices have been invented in modern times. E = MC square – Einstein proved an equation between mass and energy, it is today called nuclear energy.

Brownian Movement – ​​This can be called the biggest and best discovery of Albert Einstein, where he observed the zigzag movement in the suspension of atoms, which is helpful in proving the existence of molecules and atoms. We all know that in today’s time, this is the main thing in most of the branches of science. Read the essay on Miracles of Science here.

Special Theory of Relativity – In this theory of Albert Einstein, the relation between time and speed is explained. The speed of light in the universe is described as continuous and according to the laws of nature. General Theory of Relativity – Albert Einstein proposed that gravity is a curved area in the space-time continuum, which indicates the presence of mass.

He was appointed professor at Zurich University and people started considering him a great scientist. In 1905, at the age of 26, he propounded the theory of relativity which made him world famous. He wrote only four articles on this subject which changed the face of physics. The famous equation of this theory is E=mc2, due to which the atom bomb could be made. Due to this, the foundation of electric eye was laid. Due to this, research could be done on sound films and TV. Einstein received the world famous Nobel Prize for this discovery.

After getting his bachelor’s degree, he thought about teaching students but due to Albert’s lack of knowledge, he did not get a job initially. In 1902, Albert Einstein got a temporary job in Bern, Switzerland. Now he got a lot of time to write and publish his research articles. He started working hard to get a doctorate degree and finally he got the doctorate degree.


• Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I cannot say for sure about the universe.
• The person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
• Every human being is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
• Don’t try to become a successful person. Rather, become a person of value.
• When you are sitting with a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you are sitting on a burning ember, a second seems like an hour. That is relativity.
• Anger resides only in the hearts of fools
. If we want to keep human life alive, we will need a completely new way of thinking.
• A person should look at what is, not what should be according to him.
• No problem can be solved by remaining at the same level of consciousness at which it has arisen.
• To respect any authority without question is to go against the truth.
• Learn from yesterday, live in the present, hope for tomorrow. Most importantly, never stop asking questions.
• The difference between stupidity and intelligence is that intelligence has a limit.
• Life is like riding a bicycle. Just as we need balance on a bicycle to move ahead, similarly we can move ahead in life by leading a balanced life.
• If you know all the rules of doing a task, then you can do that task better than anyone else.
• A ship is safest on shores, but it is not made to stand on shores.

Interesting fact

One day Albert Einstein was going to give a speech somewhere. While on the way, his driver told him that I have heard your speech so many times that I can give your speech in front of the people. On hearing this, he said to him, ‘Okay, today you give the speech in my place’. Einstein wore the driver’s uniform and took his place and gave his place to the driver. In the speech hall, the driver really gave a fiery speech, just like Einstein.

After giving the speech, when people started asking questions, the driver answered them correctly with full confidence. But someone asked such a difficult question that the driver did not know the answer. On this the driver said, “Hey, the answer to this question is so simple that my driver will tell you.” Saying this, he made Einstein, dressed in driver’s uniform, stand to answer.

The great scientist Albert Einstein used to prepare a blueprint of the research in his mind by doing a visual experiment. This was more accurate than his laboratory experiment. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his experiment, but he could not claim the money that came with it. He had to pay this amount during the settlement with his wife during their divorce. Even though Einstein is considered the greatest scientist in the world, he was weak and slow in learning and reading in his childhood.

He failed in the first entrance exam for admission to the university. A pathologist stole Einstein’s brain during his autopsy. After that it remained locked in a jar for 20 years. Einstein was infamous for his poor memory. It is true that he often forgot dates, names and phone numbers.

German scientist Einstein was offered the post of President of Israel, but he politely refused it. It is not possible that there would be no controversy with such a great scientist. He became the father of an illegitimate child in 1902. Einstein, born in 1879, had two legal marriages in 1909 and 1919. Apart from Einstein, celebrities like Darwin, Allan Poe and Saddam Hussein had their first marriages with cousins.


After Einstein’s death, his brain was removed without the permission of his family. This unethical act was done by Dr.Thomas Harvey to do research on his brain. In 1975, with the permission of his son Hans, 240 samples of his brain were sent to many scientists, after examining which they found that his brain had more cells than a normal human being.

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